Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To those who read my posts

Thank you for the comments and I appreciate that you enjoy the story. If you want more, let other people know about it

New Field Reports

Chapter Six: Authored by H.J. Nealson

1830 hours
Trooper Clive Jenson

Subject Header: Highway 40 Incident

On July, 13, 2011, I, Trooper Clive Jenson, being of sound mind and body, responded to a radio call from Unit 620 at or around 1245. While en route to the location, Unit 620 called out for back up on the radio, informing us that he was taking fire. I made my way to the location, and saw that two unknown individuals were firing weapons at Unit 620. Utilizing my cruiser, I eliminated one gunman who was flanking Unit 620’s location. Having eliminated the first gunman, I exited my vehicle, taking my department issued shotgun, and keeping the K-9 counterpart in the vehicle. 

The gunman retreated into the truck but was still firing at Unit 620. I told Unit 620 to cease his firing so that I could gain a tactical advantage. The gunman exited the truck with firearm in his hand. I placed a single shot in the head of the armed suspect and terminated the threat. I cleared the truck visually and called out to Unit 620 that it was clear.

Local Sheriff Department responded with local medical professionals and Unit 620 was treated for a wound to his leg.

I was escorted to Trooper Station #13 by Lieutenant John Davidson and was questioned about the incident. 

This is all I have to report at this time.

Trooper Clive Jenson
1830 hours

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter Five: Authored by H.J. Nealson

1830 hours
Trooper Sam Evans

Subject Header: Highway 40 incident

On July 13, 2011, at or around 0800 hours, I, Trooper Sam Evans, being of sound mind and body, reported for at my post for my assigned duty, along Highway 40. After making various traffic stops, and responding to three calls, I posted up on Highway 40, watching traffic for speeders and unsafe driving patterns. At or around 1245 hours, I watched as a rental truck, license plate number HHT636, was driving at 80 miles per hour according to the radar in my unit. I commenced a traffic stop. Once the rental truck was pulled over to the shoulder of the road, I made initial contact with the driver, obtaining a license, proof of insurance, and registration paperwork. Inside the front of the truck there were two males. The driver was a Hispanic male who appeared to be at or around fifty years of age, and preferred to be called Juan Perez. The passenger was a Hispanic male who appeared to be at or around twenty years of age, and I was informed by the Driver his name was Pablo. Upon further review, it was determined that the license was a forgery. I called into radio dispatch to request a canine unit.

I attempted to make secondary contact with the two individuals in the rental truck. As I approached the rental truck, I noticed that the two occupants were arguing. I approached from the passenger side door and saw that the passenger had a handgun pointed at the head of the driver. I drew my own firearm and ordered the passenger not to shoot. The passenger fired one round directly into the temple of the driver. I fired my weapon towards the passenger, and took cover behind the rental truck as I called in for additional units and advised dispatch of the situation. 

Once I was off the radio with dispatch, the back door of the rental unit opened up and I was fired upon by an unknown individual who was utilizing a rifle. I used my ticket book to block the shots from hitting my face, and blindly returned fire in the direction of the unknown individual, while retreating to the rear of my patrol vehicle. 

At this point, the individual from the passenger side of the truck exited the vehicle and was firing several rounds in my direction. The unknown individual from the back of the rental truck continued firing on my position from the front of my patrol vehicle. The two individuals spoke in Spanish to each other. The man who the driver of the rental truck had called Pablo posted his position at the front of my patrol vehicle and he fired on my position continually. The second gunman broke off to the left of my patrol vehicle, flanking my position.

At this point, I saw Arizona State Patrol unit 4-0-2 neutralize the individual on the left. The individual known as Pablo jumped into the back of the rental truck and continued firing at me.

At this time, my department issued firearm was now out of ammunition. I Holstered my weapon. As I was reaching for my back up firearm, I heard muffled traffic coming from the radio. I ignored the radio traffic and readied my back up weapon. The rounds from the remaining gunman ceased for a moment. Suddenly I heard a single round from a 12 gauge shotgun fire, then heard Trooper Clive Jenson call “clear.” 

Shortly thereafter, the local sheriff’s department responded and the local EMS personnel treated my leg for a shallow cut.

I was escorted by Sergeant Don Cook to Trooper Station #13 and was questioned about the incident. My firearm has been taken from me pending an investigation into the shooting, and I have been relieved of my duty pending the conclusion of the investigation.

This is all I have to report at this time.

Trooper Sam Evans
1830 hours

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